The Spain Connection


We are gone for quite the long time. Connecting with my wife and family are important. Thankfully it hasn’t really been a problem, at all.

Before I left for Spain, I knew I was asking my wife to make a huge sacrifice. She has to hold down the fort for over a month while I go on my silly walk. I thought maybe it would work best if we shared a short video call, but do it every day. This is a change from our normal mode.

Periodically my work demands that I leave home for up to a week at a time. I also am lucky enough to get away with my brothers every year for nearly a week. Typically, in a time away like this, I will fit a call in with my lovely bride once or twice near the middle of the week. It seems like I always catch her at the peak of chaos and it has often times been tough to communicate with the noise and kids running around. I enjoy seeing them all, but quite frankly it can be a struggle.

This time around, the experience couldn’t be more different. I call in the early morning and I think sometimes I am the first voice she hears in the morning. She smiles, yawns and I am glad to help her meet the day. To be fair, many times she is up and rolling already. Either way, she answers with a smile from ear to ear and there is so much for us to share on both ends of the ocean.

Instead of a struggle, it has become one of my favorite parts of my Camino day. Wake, walk, cappuccino, walk, cappuccino, walk, check-in, WiFi and call. I look forward to it from the moment I start. In fact, we have even extended this practice to have several enjoyable conversations with my parents, siblings and other family members.

Honestly, at first I concerned that constant contact at home would cheapen or reduce my Camino experience (after all ancient pilgrims did not have this privilege). However, this connection is now an essential part of the day. So, I will take the advice from others I have met on this journey. “It’s your Camino.” Everyone is different and this one is mine. For me, this is going to include theses daily connections back home and I couldn’t be happier. I have the feeling I will be continuing this practice no matter where I find myself in this world.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Michael Donlan says:

    Feliz la Dia de la independencia de Los Estados Unidos! I love the posts. Blaise is getting darker by the day! How are your feet? Why sandals instead of sneakers?

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