The Rhythm sets in


It is hard to believe we have been on the path for 8 days now. Once neophytes, we now have a regular rhythm to our day. It usually goes like this:

6:30am: Wake up and get packed. Gus is the master and this takes him about 3 minutes. All others are ready to go in about 15 minutes or so.

7:00am: Hit road for about 2 minutes then abruptly stop at a bar for the morning’s first cappuccino and croissant. If this doesn’t happen right away we become walking zombies and Blaise starts to loose his patience very quickly.

7:20am: Get back on the road and actually make progress.

10:00am: Start looking for another booster shot of cappuccino and snack.

1:00pm: Closing in on destination. If we are close, push through, if not look to caffeine once again.

2pm-3pm: Arrive in town and eat comedia.

The Spanish and I have very different ideas of what constitutes a steak.

2:40-3:40: Go into food coma, but struggle to find place to stay. Sleeping on the street is not ideal.

4pm: Check in to our place to stay and crash hard.

5pm: Wake up surprised how late it is, but go back to resting. Totally worth it. Once up, take shower and wash clothes in sink.

6pm: Find Mass and/or check out village that we are staying.

7pm: Settle in for that evenings activity – Mass/cards/ board game/wine drinking and smoking cigar (Al)

9:45pm: Get back to room

9:47pm: Sleep until morning

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Michael Donlan says:

    Guys, we love your updates. Thank you for letting us share your journey.

  2. Christi Weber says:

    Hi guys! Love following your journey – the churches are amazing! Prayers for a safe trip.

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